V2Ray Ubuntu Server and Windows Client

Windows PowerShell SSH

To view a screencast of this post, visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFh8tirbXA8.

Start by right-clicking on the Windows start button, and selecting Windows PowerShell. In PowerShell, invoke the SSH feature:

ssh linuxuserid@your.server.ip.address

where linuxuserid is replaced by your actual Ubuntu Linux user id, and your.server.ip.address is replaced by your actual server IP address or hostname.

Once logged on to the server, edit the system control configuration file:

sudo vi /etc/sysctl.conf

Add lines at the end to specify BBR congestion control:


Write the system control configuration file to disk. Activate these changes:

sudo sysctl -p

Download the V2Ray automated installation script:

wget https://install.direct/go.sh

Execute the V2Ray installation script:

sudo bash go.sh

Note the generated server port and universally unique id (UUID).

V2Ray generated port and UUID

Open the server firewall for the generated port number. For example, if your port number is 31896 and you have already installed iptables-persistent, you would put:

sudo iptables -vnL
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 31896 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -vnL
sudo dpkg-reconfigure iptables-persistent

Start V2Ray server:

sudo systemctl enable v2ray
sudo systemctl start v2ray

Check that V2Ray server is working correctly:

sudo systemctl status v2ray
sudo netstat -tulpn

Exit your Windows PowerShell SSH session with the V2Ray server:


You can test the server by installing the V2RayN GUI client for V2Ray on a Windows PC. You will need to have made a note of the server address, server port, and universally unique id (UUID).

Open a browser and navigate to https://github.com/2dust/v2rayN/releases.

Download v2rayN-Core.zip, and extract the files from it.

Launch the application v2rayN.exe.

In the system tray, which is at the bottom right of your Windows desktop, open the V2RayN control panel.

Select the menu bar item for Servers (服务器). Select the first option, which is the one for Add VMess server (添加VMess服务器).

Enter the values for:

Click the Open (确定) button.

V2RayN Vmess V2Ray server configuration

In Google Chrome, go to More Tools > Extensions > Open Chrome Web Store.

Search for SwitchyOmega by FelisCatus. Add this extension to Chrome.

Set up the local proxy:

SwitchyOmega SOCKS5 proxy on localhost

In SwitchyOmega, turn on the proxy.

Check that everything is working by visiting https://www.iplocation.net